

I've had a hard time enjoying entertainment during this period. One thing that has resonanated with me is online radio stations. There is something interesting about tuning into a live event that is passive.

Listening to a dj play tunes, chat with the audience, and sometimes even take a listener call is a distinct way to listen to music. Based on the programming, it can fit the workday, a late night party, or running errands. It's nice to feel connected to something and someone while going about your day, especially while we're stuck at home.

The best DJs are also amazing curators that can turn you onto new artists, genres, and tracks you've never come across. It's a scalable way to get word of mouth recommendations.

I've been listening to a few stations, but NTS (opens in a new tab) is on almost all the time for me these days. It's an excellent selection of djs and artists with their own themes. It has two channels live from around the world at all times, so there's always something to check out.

NTS also has a complete archive(!) of all the shows to listen back to. It's a tremendous resource, and I've found myself listening to months' worth of shows from any host I really like.

I also pay a premium subscription $3.99/m to get live access to track lists (which can be exported to search on spotify and youtube) and more importantly, to support an amazing program.

Here are some hosts I'm into these days. They are all pretty mellow, given the current state of affairs: